Amos Kasaramba
Since we started, Amos has inspired us with his faith and heart. Amos is an anthropologist and was a researcher at the Arusha Museum of Natural History. conducting research at Olduvai Gorge.
"[We] need the effort to engage their involvement, collaborate to show how to reach the core of their goals. Will these efforts help to achieve the goal or not? If lot, we must search for a creative stimulation."
Tangu tulianza, Amos alituhamisisha kwa moyo na imani. Amos alikuwa Anthropologist na mwanautafiti kwenye Makumbusho ya Historia Asilia Arusha na Olduvai.
"Kuna hitaji namna ya jitihada ya kuvaa uhusika wao na kushirikiana katika kuonyesha namna na jinsi gani kiini cha malengo yao... Je juhudi zao zitasaidia kutimiza malengo au hapana? Kama hapana, lazima kutafuta ubunifu chochezi..."